Monday, February 14, 2011

Fun and Games of the Moment

It seems that we go through our daily routine fixating on one thing or the other. Gillian's first fixation was animating anything and has kind of continued throughout her life... ballerinas, then princesses, then mermaids, now superheros (thought she still adores all of the above, though she no longer gets mad when we forget to address her as Princess Gillian Ballerina Mermaid). She does that with games, and her current favorite is solving mysteries with three clues. The picture above represents a good 30 minutes of drawing clues and trying to solve them (there are pictures on the back too). Where were we? What were we doing? She takes a turn drawing and I guess, then we swap. She made up this game, to my knowledge. It is pretty fun. Sometimes the activities we are doing were real (flying in an airplane to see Nonnie and Grandaddy) and some not so much (flying like a bird through rainbows to jump on clouds). But, it's always entertaining and always a good way to bond and pass the time anywhere (like a doctor's waiting room, for example, when things can get incredibly stressful when (some) people (little ones) get bored).
Addie's favorite thing is to push you down (a redux of that thing she liked as a baby-what gives?) and climb on top of you, and bounce on your stomach until you get the urge to vomit. You struggle to get up, she squeals her delighted squeal, and intently pushes you right back down. More bouncing, more nausea, but you keep letting her do it because GOD, SHE IS SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW. She does it on me, she does it on Sean, she does it on Gillian (which, by the way, warms my heart all the way through). These two will be 100% dangerous when they collaborate on their mischief, I am sure. I am tired just considering the idea, honestly, but they are so silly.

Another funny little thing Addie does is squeal "tickee tickee tickee!!!!" when she thinks someone or something is cute or she feels love for someone or something. Even Boobies. She loves to tickle them and give them kisses even when she doesn't want them (per se), like that now she is weaning to once every day or two, she needs to remind them that she hasn't forgotten how hard they have worked for her or all the snuggly times they've had together. The end of the era is near, but we've had a good run.