Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Addie’s new favorite game is to get right in your face. Her eyes widen, she gets intense. Then she pushes you slowly back, grunting like she’s exerting LOTS of effort (even when you are playing along and fall back willingly). You fall back and make a pretend crash sound. Sometimes she comes along for the ride and giggles and squeals in delight. You lay there, motionless. She grabs your shirt, or neck or arm and grunts like she’s sloooooooooooowly pulling you back up and exerting even more effort than when she pushes you down. She looks even more intense. Repeat. I love funny Addie.

Another silly little game is pretending she is taking bites of pretend soup from a little spoon out of an empty bowl. I wasn’t aware of how soon imaginary play begins, but it delights her to no end to “feed” us.


Jane said...

What a wonderful Mama you are. And what a sweet little girl! I miss you and hope I get to meet your girls someday. :)