Saturday, June 12, 2010


One of Gillian's gifts she bought with a token is a real microphone that gets plugged into my real amp. At least someone is using it these days. Without further ado, behold my extrovert:

And, ADDIE IS WALKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Officially, she walked 6 months earlier than Gillian. It's stiff and awkward, but it's walking. She took her first steps into my arms after a long day at work a few weeks ago, and that pretty much rocked. So, here she is in the hotel room at my conference last week (wine cork and all-the rubber ones make better teethers, FYI).


Martha said...

WOW! Go, Addie! She's an early one, and she's really got great balance also. Great tip about the rubber wine corks; I never would have thought of that.