Friday, June 18, 2010

A World of Poo

Addie, unfortunately, has inherited my bowels. This is sad for a number of reasons, such as:

1) People who live mostly on breastmilk and vegetables deserve better than that...seriously, how can you be constipated with a diet of vegetables and breastmilk?
2) Babies deserve to have an easy time of pooping since everything else (expression, mobility, rational thought, etc.) is rather difficult;
3) This results in her having poop like tiny pebbles of granite, which could easily break plate glass if aimed properly;
4) She strains, grunts, and cries to produce a tiny pebble poop the size of a pencil eraser;
5) She's not quite a pro at sippy cups, and consequently, water intake...and so we go....

But lucky for Addie, there is a clean, fun, safe bathtub to relax in after a tough day of playing. So as relaxing as our wonderful, bright, and cheerful bathroom is, Addie can't stand to be in that tub without pooping. We see her stand and grunt, or squat and grunt, and the pebbles are forthcoming. Gillian, characteristically, laughs and says "ADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!", and informs me that she pooped. I get my little fish net out and scoop up the rabbit pellets before Addie decides to see what they taste like. So, not so much use for the fish, but lots of use for the poop (like, every day use). A day in the life, or something like that.


Martha said...

Poor little thing. Have you tried to emphasize stuff like watermelon, apples, & prunes to help keep things moving? Those are all great, esp. the watermelon. Or high-fiber cereal like Cracklin Oat Bran -- that's been a favorite of Laurel's since she was a toddler. Also limit dairy products since those are constipating. We can have issues with that if we're not careful.

Michelle said...

I wish it was as easy as eliminating the dairy-she doesn't get any dairy yet. I'll give the oat bran a shot. That said, I am afraid to give her too much fiber without her drinking enough water. We have also cut out bananas and apples, both of which can add to constipation. So, lots of prunes... eggs, veggies, strawberries, blueberries... I just don't remember Gillian's poop being so godawful hard :-(

Martha said...

Apples can constipate people? That's funny, they always help to keep me moving. Just goes to show that every body can be different. THe watermelon is widely recognized as a diuretic, though; whenever I'm feeling all fat & bloated I'll eat a whole mess of it & it really helps. (that would also boost her fluid intake)

For the fluids: could she prefer just drinking from a cup like an adult (Laurel did) or using a straw instead of sippy? Or popsicles or ice cubes as other ways to get fluids in there. You can usually get popsicle molds at Target or Walmart in the summer so you can make your own with a mix of water & juice.

I would think yogurt smoothies for breakfast would be awesome -- fluids plus the protiotics from yogurt to help digestion -- those are a HUGE help. L & I even take probiotic supplements to help keep our guts healthy.

Forgive me if I'm being annoying. I know you're extremely intelligent & have probably already thought of this stuff, I just hate to see you guys suffer & we can have similar issues so I'm just tryig to offer up what I can. Good luck!

Michelle said...

You are not annoying-trust me ideas are welcome! We have skipped the sippy completely, and she's been using a thermos straw bottle, but she lets it dribble out of her mouth... she IS getting better, though, but she makes a mess when she's "drinking" water!

I like the homemade popsicle idea. We'll give that a go. Addie is not a giant fan of yogurt yet. I remember getting Gillian YoBaby and cutting a tiny hole in it and she would drink it. We might try that again when she gets more efficient with the straw.

I take Culturelle probiotics. What do you give Laurel? Gillian would benefit from that as well.

Martha said...

The way we make smoothies, you can't even tell there's yogurt in there:
- plain yogurt or kefir
- OJ &/or pomegranate juice
- flax seed or wheat germ (good fiber source)
- banana (prob. leave out of yours)
- frozen blueberries
- frozen strawberries
- kiwi if we've got em

The supplement Laurel takes is called Kid's Kyo-Dophilus. They're vanilla flavored chewables & she loves them. My aunt who works in a health food store got me started on them. Also supposed to help the immune system a lot. Prob. only found at health food stores. I take Align, which is at WM & Target.

Martha said...

now that I think about it, maybae it's not such a good idea to give flax seed or wheat germ to addie since she' still so young. Might want to ask a medical pro. about it....