Friday, August 28, 2009

Gilly's Baby Mama

So, for most of Gillian's short life, she could careless about baby dolls. For example, she prefers to put diapers on or give bottles to her stuffed animals, or pretend to put them on her Ra-Ras (her hands aka monsters), or her feet-basically, anything inanimate that doesn't even slightly resemble a human being. All this nonchalance towards babies has changed the past two days when she suddenly decided it was great fun to nurse her baby doll and give her medicine "for her tummy ache" (we give Addie Zantac for reflux)...she even takes rides on the baby doll stroller that we had to dust cobwebs off of due to neglect (well, you get the point). The medicine, by the way, comes out of a harmonica onto a spoon. Musical elixhir. I like that.

Anyway, this is all sweet and awesome and womanly-reservoir-of-experience of her until you hear who baby IS. Gillian says the baby is me when I was a baby. Huh? She says things like "Mama, you're hungry and want A BOOB" (if you're wondering, NO, we did NOT teach her the word BOOB), or "Mama, your tummy hurts and you need some medicine", or, "Mama, baby you wants to go for a walk. Come with us!". To this initial role playing at playgroup, her buddy AJ looked completely bemused and continued eating his rubber donut in Gillian's kitchen. It is confusing to follow, even for me.

So, I am wondering what the significance of HER taking care of ME is. She only nurses baby me...(there are two more dolls-one is also Baby Gillian, and the other is Addie "as an even littler baby", but they get bottles, not boobies; and even that is few and far between). Only I get to go in the stroller. Only I try to poop on a little pink potty. And what triggered this all of a sudden? Either way, she is finally getting some use out of her pretty baby dolls!

Exhibit A