Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I am Glamorous

See what mothers go through?? There has been a good many blowouts this time around. Nothing says "VOGUE" (or, as it were, screams "I AM A MOTHER") like runny breastmilk poop on your pants (except poop-that-really-wasn't-that-much-so-you-didn't-feel-like/have-the-time-to-change and now there's a little dry yellow stain on your person somewhere).

I love Addie, but I am mystified by the thermodynamics that must occur to make the poop miss inches of diaper only to reappear on the lower back or thighs. Amazing.


Martha said...

Look at those skinny-ass legs! You are officially no longer allowed to complain about your weight. You look great!

You probably already do this with the diapers but just in case -- do you flare the soft little sides out before you put a new one on? Makes extra room for the poop that way.