Saturday, April 25, 2009

Because I'm worth it

I got my first pedicure ever today. One might ask which rock I have been living under the past 35 years, but for the most part I have never bothered with the finer aspects of girly primping. The thing is, I am now so pregnant, I haven't been comfortably able to reach my toenails to remove the polish from mid-March. That is how I justified today's indulgence. I quite enjoyed the is lovely to sit in a massage chair, soak your feet in oil-scented whirlpool foot baths whilst reading a trashy magazine, then have a calf massage and toenail maintenance before a perfect polish job. I could get use to that for $12. I think I will make a habit of it until this little baby is born. I just feel prettier when my toenails look great. Just because it was my birthday last week, I got my third manicure ever today too. I probably WON'T make a habit of that, though. Laquer on my nails annoys me, and I assume my banjo playing won't give the fingernail job a very long life. Plus manicures cost more, and I can reach my hands. It was just fun.


Martha said...

Way to go! You deserve it, birthday or no! I firmly believe that all pregnant women deserve to be treated like QUEENS. Same goes for moms of newborns.

I remember when Laurel was really young I swore that if I ever had the money to do it, I would start a charitable fund to pay for every new mother to have a massage. Hope you are keeping up with those, too!

Roxanne said...

Happy bday- looks great!!