Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Kitties and Cats

Yesterday I was in the kitchen preparing lunch when I heard Gillian rifling through the cat food bowl. Shortly thereafter, I saw her striding back to the living room with Great Purpose, something in her hand. I curiously followed to find that she had settled up in the front sunroom with her current Favorite Stuffed Cat on Earth, "feeding" it a bowl of food fashioned out of a pacifier cap (it must not have made it into a box I packed up of her little baby things this past weekend). She had carefully selected FOUR pieces of cat food from the Real Cat Bowl to put in the cap, all of them hearts (she could have also selected the Xs or Os, but did not), and brought it up front to feed the kitty.

One of her "regular" chores is to feed our cats every night, which she loves. Oddly enough, she still calls cats "Meow-Meows" even though she calls them, like I showed her "Kitty-Kitty-Kitty!" when she feeds them. She also still exclaims "MEOW-MEOW!" when I show her a "C" for "cat" or a "K" for "Kitty" when we looks at letters in the bath.

I often find myself thinking toddlers are a perplexing bunch.