Friday, May 16, 2008

Cheerful Projectile Vomit

What can I say? We have four canine teeth and a molar coming in, at the same time (did I not tell you Gillian is an overachiever?). We have been sick for almost two weeks with a late Spring cold (the beginnings of which, for G, began the night before Nonni came with a 102 fever, which harkened back to her last visit. Luckily, it was a fluke, and G was just a bit congested and snotty during her stay). "OK, winter," I thought to myself, "I am officially sick of you, sick of your respiratory bugs, and dammit, can we PLEASE get in the 70s and STAY in the 70s like we're suppose to be right now, in Mid-May?!?" (as I write, it is a frosty 45 degrees). I even dared to think, "bring on the sweltering heat, and the GI bugs" (since, after all, they are a small price to pay for tank top/sandal/skirt weather). Well, you know we get GI illnesses in the summer and respiratory illnesses in the winter, typically.

So, what happened? Gillian decided "why stop at the hacking cough of a lifetime smoker? I think it's high time to lose some more weight and show Mama what I'm really made of"....figuratively, and literally. She has had diarrhea and has been vomiting for the past 56 hours. Or so. The Very Helpful Doctor, with whom we consulted yesterday after discovering she couldn't even keep down Pedialite, said, "if she can still cry, she is not dehydrated". Have I mentioned how I adore the residents at our clinic and all their infinite wisdom? Maybe I was overreacting to take her in (per Sean), but it's our first GI Bug. Prior to the past 56 hours, I could count the number of times she has ever thrown up, including spitting up, on one hand. I'll just say it's a learning experience and leave it at that.

Anyhoo, Puke and Poop aside (Gillian's new favorite work is "Puke", which sounds a lot like "Guk"), at least she's cheerful about it. Like, coming running toward me for a giant hug, but then puking all over my neck and back and the couch and floor...all that giant successful breakfast she had just eaten, gone (yogurt, no less). Immediately afterward, when I said, "let's go get cleaned up and changed", she was sure I had just said "LET'S GO GET CHANGED AND GO TO THE PARK", and toddled off to find her coat and shoes. To be fair, we do usually get changed before we go outside, but what I really liked was the Purge and Sing. Seconds after the self-indulgent pukefest, and a millisecond after I uttered the word "changed", she was off, singing about the swing and shoes, looking for her shoes, ready to head out, covered in her own vomit.

I guess if she's ever going to get a GI bug, this is the Best One. But, if I could give her one bit of advice (one that I have been given approximately a zillion times) it would be, "you don't have to do everything at once! relax! the wide world of bacteria and viruses will be there your whole life; just pick up one at a time so you can really enjoy them!" (well, all but that last part).


Roxanne said...

ok, so funny, sorry for the puking but I am laughing so hard right now picturing Gilly looking for her coat while covered in puke. AT least the girl has priorities!!

Martha said...

Oh my lord! When it rains it pours. Hope your sweet girl's on the mend by now. Have to say I'm not wild about the dr.'s philosophy that a child's not dehydrated if they can still cry; it just sounds so extreme, although I'm no medical expert. At least Gillian's keeping her spirits up.