Wednesday, May 30, 2007

G's Mad New Skills

Well, the beginning of the end of the non-mobile phase that has been such a cakewalk is here. G started rolling onto her stomach about 4 weeks ago, started babbling about a week and a half ago (, and can officially sit up for much longer periods of time all of a sudden the past two or three days (she's been sitting up for 20 or 30 seconds before toppling over for weeks, but this is new). Oh, and today she was rocking to music for the first time. See Exhibit A, B, and C, below!

Soon she'll be driving race cars and paragliding.


Liz said...

Wow... that was amazingly cute! I hear an opera singer in the making!

Michelle said...

Maybe you can give her private lessons :D...we are trying our best to make a musician out of her. She gets serenaded by her Papa much more than I have ever been! We already have an eye on a tiny Gold Tone banjo...