Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Growing (royal) pain and the things that steal your time

Growth spurts are no fun. Not for G. or for us. All the unpleasantness your infant can display throughout a regular month is condensed for an super-fun action packed 2-4 days. Near constant feeding, near nonstop fussing, and sometimes blocks of crying that can upset you more than the baby are commonplace. Bean seems to be just coming out of a growth spurt...the one that happens on or about 3 months gestational age. Thank GOD. It has been a rough few days. Sean had broken out the sound eliminating headphones. Yes-that bad.

Today, she is back to her sweet, mellow, good napping (once I get her down, that is) self. Complete with smiles and coos and stellar cuteness. The only new development I can offer is that she is standing more (with support) and is grabbing better every day. Oh, and tummy time has continued not to suck. And that is very, VERY good.

One thing today became clear- I really dislike things taking my time away from Gillian when I'm home. I had a virtual parade of commitments today that took away from our play time, and I am very unhappy about that. My time with her is golden, particularly as I start going back to work another day a week. So, to the three people that buzzed us while she was trying to nap, to the milk donation blood collector guy, the Home Depot door installation crew (an epic of mammoth incompetence, which would take days to explain), trying to figure out just how much of my identity was stolen, to fedex/DHL pickups (related to the blood collector guy): I thumb my nose at you, and you, and you, and you. I had fewer sweet/special/funny moments today with Bean because of you. And I resent it.