Friday, February 16, 2007

One day it won't be zero degrees anymore.

Right now it's "zero degrees" (says the guy on the weather channel automated "local on the 8s forecast). If you don't live here, you may or may not be aware of the fact that the past month has been frigidly cold, as in above freezing twice (but the majority of days have been spent in the teens or single digits). This phenomenon on at least two occasions has been called a "Polar Vortex", which sounds more like the name of a Star Trek episode than a real life meteorological condition. One especially miserable week it didn't get above 13 degrees, and the highs on a couple of days were at or below zero. Windchills on a couple of days/nights were between -20 and -35. Why did we move here from the balmy, sunny south? We are Floridians by birth, and I am seriously questioning our decision to move here on days like today. We should have been suspicious when November and December could have been spent by the pool with a cocktail (well, not really, but it was very mild) that something was coming to balance it out.

This situation makes conditions for maternity leave pretty unfortunate. I was looking forward to spending my days with the baby out and about at the beach or the park, daily walks to whip myself into shape...or doing anything to keep my muscles from atrophying while the Bean has the benefit of fresh air. I can honestly say that I don't go out in this unless absolutely necessary (like, for groceries or to feel normal and go to dinner or something). Gillian is not a fan of cold subzero wind blowing in her face (lesson learned while walking to playgroup), and pitifully wimpers when exposed while I feel like a neglectful and guilty parent. We have reverted to driving everywhere to at least stay warm (I say "at least" because she also hates the carseat and cries if the car stops moving).

So, I think lots of us are counting down the days till spring (May), or at least decent enough stroller weather to get out of the house (April). I wonder what Gillian will think of leaves, since it occurs to me that she has never seen one. She'll find out in less than two months. By the way, I hate polar vortexes..vorteces?