Monday, February 19, 2007

Conversations with Monsters

Tonight when we were doing our nighttime, before-bed ritual, Gillian started a conversation with one of the monsters on the wall next to the rocking chair. I made the monsters with dryer, left-over clay from my sculpture class before Gillian was even on the agenda. I knew they would come in handy one day (although Sean was dubious, but he knows how I am with my "potential art project" piles and boxes).

So, she has been using them as a diversion when we are rocking to sleep for the night for the past couple of weeks (a diversion to NOT rock to sleep, that is). Even in the dark of the room with just the 25 watt closet light on, she found them fascinating. Particularly, the yellow toothless rabbit-monsterish one. She just started the conversation last night; before it was just inquisitive staring. After looking at this monster for about 10 minutes (I knew it was going to be more work to get her down last night), she began making new sounds. Like she finally got up the nerve to say something. It wasn't the usual cooing. All that thinking to impress him with her not-such-a-little-baby words. Like Oh-goo-waa-wa. Or maybe that is the monster's name. Who knew she would be able to speak Oh-goo-waa-wanese?

Today, no sign of the new language. Perhaps it only works in the monster realm. We'll see tonight.