Wednesday, January 25, 2012

And so it begins...

I love company when I'm heading to the bathroom. I guess we all do. Addie is taking more of an interest in the potty, as is Hauk. Hauk has a frog potty, and Addie was sad she didn't, so I drew a bear on the front of hers (since lately she says she is a bear) and she helped color it. Addie now announces she is peeing in her diaper or that she has to poop. And she tells me to beat it when she has to poop, because clearly it requires concentration, and she doesn't need any distractions (thank you very much). This last bit was Gillian in the two months preceding potty training. She'd say-"I have to go potty. Mama go 'way."

Addie has some cloth pullups, and she wears them sometimes. We need to commit to this, but our lazy approach worked like a charm the last time. So, I am telling you-she is starting down the road to full blown toddlerdom, and her baby self if fading into the shadows-which makes me feel fatalistic about all of it. I sold our cloth diapers to a woman last night. And it was hard and made me want to cry, because if things were different, we could probably have that third baby. But it's expensive here, and our closest family is 1000 miles away. And that's the reality. *sigh*