Tuesday, October 4, 2011


One of these days, we will be a regular Partidge Family. Addie's been in music and movement class for a year (wiggleworms) and Gillian started piano in January of this year. She started Suzuki violin mid-September. Addie sings all day long, at the top of her little lungs. Gillian has a great ear but is absolutely nutty about being corrected on piano (she shakes her head and thrashes her arms around when I gently try to correct a wrong note or give her advice-this does NOT happen with her teacher). So, another one among us that doesn't take awesomely to criticism....fantastic!

Sean reasons that Gillian can develop her music reading skills on piano and her ear through Suzuki. Although I think he really just wants her to play fiddle at the end of the day, I kindof love the idea of her keeping on the classical track as well as tearing it up on fiddle tunes. I really hope she wants to play music and not be a cheerleader. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Meanwhile, I need to get back in the musical saddle. It is absolutely true that my music has taken a back seat...or, better yet, IS NOT EVEN IN THE FREAKIN' CAR ANYMORE...to things like PhD programs and raising small children. I don't make time for much that doesn't include the girls. To be good and balanced, it's high time I did that. I have found it pretty impossible to do with the girls being so young.

When we have that "to have another baby, or to not have another baby" discussion, I can tell you shedding child care costs and me moving to a more human schedule (where I could do more stuff I like such as *SLEEP* and *EXERCISE* and maybe even *HAVE A HOBBY!*) is VERY appealing. Neither would happen if a baby happened. Right now, I am 100% cool with getting out of diapers and never looking back. Our marriage will be better for it...as in we won't act like we have ADD trying to have a normal conversation anymore. Maybe we'll start sleeping again some day soon now that Addie is giving us hope that she might actually be capable of sleeping more than 2 hours at a time. AT 27 MONTHS OLD. Do ya'll know what not sleeping for YEARS can do to a person (of course, some of you know all too well-((((GROUP HUG)))))?!? If you could look into a crystal ball and tell me that 1) we would have another girl and 2) she would sleep like Gillian, I would get pregnant next week. But I won't because we could have another baby like Adelaide. Who I love to pieces...but Lordy she is rough around the edges with the not sleeping and not eating. And the teeth that TAKE FOREVER TO COME IN (= chronic discomfort)!

Anyway, I need to post a video or two from Addie's musical repertoire. You would be impressed. I'm certainly impressed. They paid me to say that (in hugs and kisses, but still...)