Saturday, December 4, 2010

Gillian's Christmas List (in pictures)

This morning Gillian brought me a list of gifts she wants for Christmas. Mostly, she already has some version of most of them. I appreciate her making a list. In case we need one.
"Prickly thing you can wear on your head to pretend you're a porcupine"
Green mermaid tail. Since the pink and multi-colored ones are not sufficient...of course, green is the color of ARIEL's tail, so there's that...
A bike. When I reminded her she already had a bike, she said that she wanted one for a 5-year-old. I told her the one she had would be for a 5-year-old and even an older child if we took the training wheels off. Then she backpedaled, thinking of a clever way to still get a new bike and said she wanted a new bike for Addie. How altruistic she is.
A drum. You may recall that she has an entire drum set. But she says she wants a new one. That's not going to happen, by the way.

A Christmas Wreath. Just because.