Saturday, October 17, 2009

Postnatal physical damage assessment

Arms, legs, face: Back to normal (thank God since my nose was spread across my face those last few weeks), thankfully no vericose veins.
Hair: telogen effluivium, again. A sweater's worth every shower or hair brushing, though I must admit I get all fuzzy inside when I see the number of white hairs falling out. I really need a trip to the salon.
Round ligaments: have been giving me hell for a month. Time to get use to being back in their rightful place again. Please stop making me feel chronically menstrual.
Moles, skin tags: alive and well and more plentiful. SEXY.
Belly shape: soft, 3-4 month pregnancy pooch. Diastasis recti. Separation of the rectus abdominis muscle into right and left halves. My linea alba has torn asunder. If I lay flat and flex my belly, I get this little hill that rises up between where the muscles are (I can see lumps that are intenstines through the muscles when I lay awake on my back in the mornings plotting my escape from The Madness). You know, the parts that use to be joined. This is supposed to improve, but may never be the same. I should exercise the transverse muscles more to help things get back to where they go, but I have not gotten around to that yet. That and Kegels, which I really should try harder to get around to.
Belly skin: sad. stretchmarks and loose; I am told things will improve. The poor little belly button might never make it back to it's original position. I could use the extra belly skin for a small purse, or a day planner sleeve. Maybe after my post-final-baby-tummy-tuck....
Breasts: about the same as before, but more functional (no weird increase in size this time)
Eyes: chronically bloodshot from utter exhaustion
Weight: 57 pounds down, 3 pounds to go. Yes, I gained SIXTY pounds with Addie, 45 of which was gone within 3 weeks-must have been water (did you SEE that entry with the cankle/fat sausage feet I had? each ankle had three chins!!). At this point, I have no desire to lose much more because I have a milk supply to keep up (that is my mantra when I'm having a little extra treat). I want to get back into yoga, but no cardio just yet for that reason (which is great and not so great at the same time)...
Feet: shoes are pretty tight. I think the hormones might have relaxed the ligaments enough to up me a quarter or half size.

All in all: it could be worse.

By the way-the computer has been dead a couple weeks and our new one should arrive within the next week, at which time I will upload many pictures and videos for your viewing pleasure.


Roxanne said...

yeah, can't wait to see pics! and now that I can post a comment in less than 10 mins I am super excited!! SOsory about survival mode, we felt that way with Anni after the transition to Africa, like all I ever did was correct her and I am prepared for another stage with number 2...sigh. Hnag in and I will pray for yoru wisdom & strength..this Mama gig is hard you