Monday, June 16, 2008


The past couple of days, Gillian has started putting words together! The monotony of the word "More" is being peppered with more complex word patterns, like "Mama sit, too" as she points to a spot next to her, or "Gilly go playground", or "MY Mama, MY Papa". This new step in communication makes her feel so accomplished, and at times it almost feels like an honest-to-God conversation (with words in lieu of words and gestures).

Those baby days are speeding quickly by, and we have a full fledged little girl. We watched some videos of her when she was much younger while ruminating on Fatherhood yesterday, and marvelled at the time warp the past two years have been.

In other news, she had a fever last night and has the beginnings of a nasty cough. This is particularly irritating because a) we are travelling to Florida for a family vacation in a few days, and the only thing worse that travelling with a toddler is travelling with a sick toddler; b) this will make yet another visit where Gillian is not feeling well for Bill and Suzi (the past two she has been sick as well); and c) WHY ARE WE STILL GETTING COLDS IN MID JUNE?!?

Other than that, we couldn't be more deliriously happy with the weather, we have so enjoyed the beach with Gilly the past two weeks, and there is absolutely no place like Chicago in the summer. I can barely remember the pain of February.