Tuesday, November 27, 2007


So, you remember how I thought there was no worse fate on earth than a teething, grouchy, whining, clingy baby? Well, there is something worse. One that is all those things AND sick with her first cold. Unfavorite moments from this week: G's smothering while she tries to eat and crying from frustration of being hungry but not hungry enough to suffer like that, often opting not to eat at all...coughing so hard she vomited the Motrin I just gave her to keep her fever down...the learning curve of nasal aspirators and saline drops (did you know that salt water is the ONLY recommended drug for colds in children between 1 and 2 years old?? no decongestants, no expectorants, just good ol' salt water and good luck to you)...wimpering/crying after a coughing fit because her back and stomach probably ache from all the coughing, and general malaise that made me want to cry-for her and for me and my lack of sleep. In all seriousness, I don't think I have ever felt so helpless as I have the past couple of days.

But, friends, happy news. We appear to be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Tonight she was her old self-plain delightful, dancing in her highchair, chasing the bubbles Sean was blowing with happy squeals to boot...it's as if God decided to let me have my little Monkey back after a long sabbatical away from home (and for which her stand in was Mr. Hyde). She does not have any more teeth than she had two months ago; this means the past month of teething symptoms have thus far failed to produce.

I couldn't resist this little shirt on the Target sale rack. I thought, "right?".


Roxanne said...

she looks so old in that pic- we need to see you soon! Poor Gilly (and poor YOU) glad you are all on the mend.