Wednesday, May 11, 2011

An email from Auntie Darla

**Darla is one of Gillian's favorite people. Gillian and Darla do things alone together from time to time. Monday night they went to Whole Foods (aka "Baby Cart Store"). Darla always something to tell us about a tall tale or some other Gillyism she had the priviledge of experiencing during their date. She sent me an email as an afterthought yesterday that I wanted to share**

"I remember what else Gillian said to me.

When she delivered me flowers [she picked in the yard] & came inside [my house] she wanted to wait for me in the living room while I got shoes to come outside with her. Then while at Whole Foods she told me she had seen where my bedroom was. Obviously curious. When we got back and I was spending 2 minutes needed to throw things in the freezer & refrigerator, she insisted on waiting in the living room. I called her to go to your place and she came bounded in with news. She had seen my bedroom AND she pulled the covers up on my bed "like they're supposed to be."

I fully admitted to her that my house is very messy. She admonished me a bit. "Darla! why do you keep your house so messy?" She later told me that you and Sean and she all clean your house.

While we were driving she told me she had a booger and proudly displayed it on her finger. Then she said she was eating it. I told her that was pretty gross. Of course she found the whole thing to be hilarious. Eating of boogers must be something learned at school, right? I was really surprised when she claimed to be eating it. No idea whether or not it was true."

Alas. It is always amusing and sweet to see how Gillian is perceived by other adults and children. What can I say? I guess she eats her boogers because they are salty joy. I also guess she eats them because I don't nag her about it, because I have bigger proverbial fish to fry (though, for the record, I do tell her we use tissues on our noses around other people to be polite). Yes, I guess she learned that from boys at school, though I think many kids just figure it out all by themselves. I also think if you acknowledge annoying behaviors too aggressively, they will do things more to get a rise out of you. See? Mama the Therapist, in action.