Monday, June 15, 2009

Wish List

Birth plans are funny things... like if you had a Christmas List for your birth of everything you could make happen just the way you want it, that would be it. It was *almost* laughable that I had one last time. Like, NOTHING happened the way I wanted it. I have the audacity to draft another one for this birth, hopeful this experience is completely different. So, for your information, I present to you, the Birth Plan:
Dear Labor and Delivery Staff at Advocate Illinois Masonic Hospital:

We are looking forward to working with you for the delivery of our second child! As you can imagine, as the date nears, we are growing more and more excited to meet our daughter. We know, from our experience with our first child’s birth at Masonic, that we can count on excellent quality of care and medical expertise for this birth.

We are acutely aware that birth can be unpredictable, and that some situations may arise that require medical interventions, but we are requesting your support in as natural a VBAC birth experience as possible. If some situation that requires medical intervention should arise, we would ask that you take the time to explain the special circumstance, the medical need for any procedure you might anticipate, and what options are available. Our first birth was somewhat traumatic for us, as we experienced severe acute onset pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome requiring a very early delivery, and our daughter spent over seven rough weeks in the NICU. You can imagine that we would like to experience this birth very differently, and thankfully, we have had an uneventful and healthy pregnancy so far this time around. We hope to partner with you to provide our new baby a natural, peaceful, beautiful entry to the world.

Below we have provided our desires and preferences for this birth.

Many Thanks,

_________________________ _________________________
Michelle Sean

As natural as possible, with as little medical intervention
and time in the hospital as possible.

For labor/birthing:
 To have the following people present during the birth: Sean (Papa), Tricia (our Doula), Suzi (Mom), and our Doctor (Dr. C). We ask, respectfully, for a respite from medical residents. So, please, no medical residents at any time in the room
 To enjoy a calm and peaceful birthing atmosphere in the room with minimal noise, clutter, interruption, and lights
 To snack and drink for energy and nourishment during labor
 To direct any and all questions about my labor to my husband. Request that Dr. C provide information regarding suggested deviations from our birth plan directly to us and/or our support team
 To avoid use of words like “pain”, “hurt”, “hard labor”, “move things along”; avoid offering painkillers or other drugs
 To have as few internal exams as possible and to maintain the integrity of my membranes until they rupture spontaneously
 We request no continuous EFM and maternal blood pressure monitoring, if possible
 We request no routine IV prep and prefer no Heplock, if possible
 To have freedom of movement
 To experience no augmentation of labor or placental delivery via Pitocin without discussion and explanation of need (we hope nursing will assist in placental delivery)
 To have hot compresses for my perineum; do whatever it takes to preserve the perineum! Along that same line of thinking, we request no episiotomy under any circumstances
 To avoid counting or loud coaching during pushing…allow me to breathe the baby down and push only when I have the urge
 We ask that staff avoid physically stretching the perineum during crowing
 We ask that unless absolutely medically necessary, no forceps or vacuum extracting be used during delivery

For our Daughter:
If she is breathing well and thriving:
 To place the baby immediately on my chest and to remain there for her first hour of life (please perform Apgar with baby on chest)
 To allow the baby’s cord to finish pulsing before clamping and cutting
 To delay washing, drying, weighing, Vitamin K, and footprints until we have bonding time
 To not administer Erythromycin drops to her eyes (will sign a waiver)
 Prefer oral administration of Vitamin K if available
 To allow the baby to nurse immediately and stay in our room at all times
 Lactation consultant visit would be appreciated during stay

Important contact information:

Dr. C, MD (our family doc and attending physician for the birth)
Office: ###-###-####
Cell: ###-###-####

Papa: Sean Mama: Michelle
Cell: ###-###-####; Home: ###-###-#### Cell: ###-###-####

Tricia X (Dona/Doula)
Cell: ###-###-####

Suzi (“Nonni”, Gilly and Addy’s Grandmother)
Cell: ###-###-####

Awesome Friend, MD (friend and emergency backup in my neighborhood)
Cell: ###-###-####

M.J., MS, PhD, DABT (Mama’s Supervisor at Work)
Work: ###-###-####
Cell: ###-###-####


Martha said...

Glad to hear you guys are all stil doing well up there. Thanks for the update!

The plan was beautifully written & I agree with you on all points. I would want to copy it as my own if we were having more!