Sunday, February 15, 2009

Some of Gillian's favorite things right now, in no particular order

1. Nonni and Grandaddy
2. This. It can make her clear her plate, sit in avid anticipation with her mouth agape gasping, and then giggle in sheer glee when the banjo starts:

3. Making friends with things that are not alive. Today at the Cajun jam, it was a chrome trash can (for the greater portion of 10 minutes she stood with her arm around it). You have heard and seen such classics as Toast Friend (a loaf of bread) at the grocery store and beyond, the Flower friend, etc. Personifying hands and feet, fingers and toes (feet can get bottles and be cuddled and rocked like a baby, toes can be sad or happy, can be mamas or babies, and hands can be ducks or "Ra-ra"s).
4. Hot dogs and macaroni and cheese
5. Little Einsteins

6. Her boopies (trifold diapers/lovies)
7. Music
8. Bottles at bedtime (I know, this has to stop...but it guarantees vitamins and hydration, which her birdlike eating makes me worry she's not getting enough of either).
9. Shoes- any style or color.
10. Painting her toenails or drawing people's attention to her "pretty red toes".
11. Dancing
12. Playgrounds
13. Hamming it up for anyone, anywhere.
14. Bedtime
15. Snuggling
16. Torturing the cats
17. Reading
18. Eyeball kisses
19. Drawing and painting
20. Lammy


Martha said...

I am so intrigued by this love of inanimate objects of hers! Shows she's got a lot of love in her heart and a fabulous imagination.