Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Taking it all in

The weekend before last, I took Gillian to the zoo. Andrea was a great sport and came along for Gillian's first peek at the animals. Mostly, she didn't get it. Slow moving animals that may as well be painted on the rocks or backdrop didn't interest her (and seeing as how her depth perception is still developing, who could blame her?). She DID like the weird larger-than-our-cats-but-smaller-than-a-puma cat-like animals...they made her hyperventilate. She also liked the monkeys, whose playful swinging was riveting. I would say, in general, the zoo for a 8 month old is a bit of a stretch, but if it's as fabulously free as the Lincoln Park Zoo ( then it's worth every dime. Personally, I find zoos depressing, but I have a feeling this isn't my last trip taking Gillian to see the animals.

Gilly and the Monkeys:

And then we went to the beach last weekend and went in the lake for the first time. Gillian didn't care for the waves as we sat with them lapping up to her feet (they made her wimper pitifully), but was more than happy to sit in her stroller, in the shade, lounging with her feet on the tray.