Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Frown

So, we noticed last night that The Bean is doing something brand new. An honest-to-God, lip out, trembling chin frowny face, to accompany her crying. One the sad clown would be proud of. I have yet to capture this on camera, but will keep it nearby to see if I can document this new expression for you, Dear Reader. The problem is that this is likely an evolutionary sign if discomfort, meant to heighten the awareness of Mama Bear (that would be me) and affect action for a remedy. Instead it makes Sean and I laugh and "ahhh" in absolute adoration of her cuteness; clearly this was not part of her developmental plan. Also, we need to reign it in. We have 6 weeks before learning begins (so says all the books by experts), and we certainly DON'T want her thinking we don't take her needs seriously. See, this is the paranoia of "ohmygodI havetodoeverythingright!" that ones cultivates as a new parent. We definitely want a secure, well adjusted child; not one who became insecure because her needs were consistently not met. Not only not met, but scoffed at because they are cute. Now THAT would be quite a complex.