Tuesday, December 22, 2009

So big

Addie is growing like a weed. She is starting to look like, I imagine, what she will look like....differentiating out of the "amorphous baby blob" phase and into the baby/toddler phase...the one where you think "wow, [insert person's name], you look exactly the same" when you're looking at baby pictures of them. Though we are curious to know what she will look like with hair. It is crazy to think she is almost 6 months old.

We had playgroup here yesterday, and I have missed having the girls around every week now that I'm back at work. There is something liberating and awesome about sharing these moments and changes with other people at the same place you are. Like "the baby has suddenly started waking up four times a night", or "she nearly bit my nipple off with those razor teeth"...things you can't exactly stand around and talk about to people at work or to people without kids.

So, Addie might do a normal crawl...she gets up on her knees (something my crab-crawling Gillian never did), and she rocks like she thinks she wants to go someplace. She likes to pose in a Superman posture like she's trying to touch just her belly button to the floor. She will do well in yoga later in life. She has upward dog pegged too. Addie likes to talk and tell stories, and they are increasingly gibberish with sprinkles of enunciation. Watching a person become a person is pretty awesome and humbling.

Christmas is nigh and it is wonderful to enjoy the general goodwill everyone seems to have during the season. I love having Bill and Suzi with us, and Christmas has taken on an entire new undertone of specialness with our babies in this life. It's easy to believe that with the level of perfection in the universe for things working well most of the time (with limitless variables), there must be some unifying power, or God, or energy. My girls remind me of where I came from somehow, and how far I came to get here. And how lucky I am to be here. The holidays are a time to reflect on blessings.