Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Little Bug or The House of Ill

Somewhere between my 1000th tissue and ever-impending sinus head implosion and Sean waking up this morning at 5 am shaking with chills, it hit me-this whole story could be one of the Fractured Fairytale (my favorites are from the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show). We might call it "The Little Bug"...since one of Gillian's nicknames is "Bug". It could be the bastardization of Robin Hood (since, by definition it can only be a true fractured fairytale if it is the bastardization of a real fable), where she took from one person and gave to someone else. Except this time it has a sinister twist. Bug, our heroine, would be as in Vector:

a. an insect or other organism that transmits a pathogenic fungus, virus, bacterium, etc. OR
b. any agent that acts as a carrier or transporter, as a virus or plasmid that conveys a genetically engineered DNA segment into a host cell.
The moral of the story would be something like, "and with that, The Little Bug shared her plague with everyone she loved, proving once and for all that Big things can come in little packages".

Unfortunately for Suzi, she is coming to visit us at probably the worst possible time for her, and possibly the best possible time for us-she is risking being infected by our respective mutations of whatever virus this might be, AND while being a mom and all, can nurse the lot of us. Even more unfortunately, I am thinking our big plans to catch up on every movie we have been wanting to see for the past 6 months and being able to go out every night she's here are going to go down in flames. Even more ironically, Sean will probably not be well enough to work the hours he was planning to work this week. You know, because chills are not conducive to fine carving techniques. So, I apologize in advance for the Most Thankless Birthday ever to be bestowed upon a Grandmother. Particularly the quintessential grandmother that is one Suzanne Colledge, and Gillian's beloved "Nonni". We hope your most influential gift this year is NOT chills, fever, and a respiratory infection. And thanks in advance for all the help you are destined to be this week...


Martha said...

So are you starting to feel like God is out to get you yet? I swear I really don't have a clue how you keep going sometimes. You need to write some kind of motivational or self-help book someday (in all of your free time).

It's good to hear Suzi is there helping out. I'm sure she doesn't mind the risk of getting sick too much if it means she gets to be with her babies again. Fierce thing, this mother love...