Sunday, April 29, 2007

A few things

As Gillian grows into herself, it is funny and endearing to see some bits of myself and Sean in her. For example, I have wiggled/rubbed my right foot against things (usually my other foot, the sheets, pillows, other people's feet) when I'm cozy/sleepy since I can remember. The other night, I was nursing Gillian in bed (we were side-lying) and she was rubbing her little right foot on my thigh while she nursed. Lately, I have noticed her foot going all the time when she is sleepy or feeling especially snug, and it is fuzzy to think she got that habit directly from me.

Her level of patience could have been inherited from either of us, and when I say patience, I mean NONE. Well, except for the things we really can focus on...then we have all the patience on the planet (music, or woodworking, for example). She has started the phase where if you take something she is focused on, she gets upset. If she wants something, she is impatient to get it (throwing intermittent fits of frustration), but is stubborn enough to work on it until she reaches the prize (like a good handle on the delightfully crinkly bag of potatoes that she first had to work her way around the fruit basket to get ahold of).

She has also just started noticing the cat. Really noticing and trying to grab her. Poor Peepers, in all her post-baby neediness, will wish she never wanted loads of attention once Gillian is mobile. Yesterday, in her new found love of textures, she discovered the downy soft fur of Peepers, and grabbed a handful (and squealed in delight, which made Peepers' ears flatten on her head in annoyance). This is where moms start saying "gentle" and trying to show baby how to lightly touch kitty. Unfortunately, Gillian doesn't get it yet...but Peepers was an awfully good sport and let her "pet" several sticky handfuls of fur off before running away.

The week beginning tomorrow is my last week home with Gillian before going back to work full time. I couldn't have asked for more support and kindness from work when it comes to spending time at home with my first child. I will still spend 3 days a week with her, but it's not the same. I'll have to work through my feelings of being away from her forty hours a week and maybe missing some of her "firsts" while Sean takes on the daytime child rearing role (his work allows for much greater flexibility than mine re: hours and location, so this was a natural choice). But, as always, we make a formidable team, and everything will be just fine. One thing is certain-I feel quite fortunate that we have the option of raising our own child seven days a week.