Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Birthday on the Range

My sweet baby Addie-

Today you are FOUR. We had the “best birthday party EVER” Sunday. Maybe you will remember, or maybe you won’t, that you adore your little animals (note: if you are grown and reading this, this habit/hobby of lining your animals in rows, organized by color or species is when I noticed you are Type A and possibly a little OCD about order:

You adore big animals. And I couldn’t think of a better birthday for you than one that involved ponies and farm animals. So, we had your birthday at Memory Lane Stables. You rode ponies (Bob, and your all time favorite, Rosie, as it were-we have been to this place a few times before and we are all painfully aware that you know exactly what you like), you had a petting zoo with a pig, a miniature pony (with “fluffy hair”), and a lamb….there was even a chicken roaming the grounds. All of your closest friends were there and many of our closest friends were there. It was a perfect day-as you said “the best day of [your] life”. I even made you a horse birthday cake.

On days like that-the ones where you are surrounded by that much love from that many people-I don’t question how we’re doing as parents, and how we are doing in life. You know you are loved, and I hope you always know that. In our “small town” neighborhood in the middle of one of the biggest cities in the United States we have found a gold mine…wonderful friends and their amazing kids-the kind of thing I don’t think my parents ever had in any of our small Florida cities we lived in. I want that for you-the feeling of belonging and community. I want it for myself.

Don’t ever forget the people who love you. You can completely take for granted that Papa and I love you, but remember that you have friends that would drop everything to help you, to hug you, or to talk to you when life feels overwhelming or sad. Remember they are also the ones who will celebrate the tribulations of life with you-your best friends will see your accomplishments as their own. If they seem resentful or jealous and aren’t lifting you up, that has nothing to do with you-you keep going, keep moving ahead, and don’t let anything stop you.

Remember to respect your dreams and let them guide you. Find your passion, find love. Always make choices that make your heart truly happy-those will *always* be the ones that come from a place of respect for yourself. If you take care of yourself, you are more awesome for everyone around you-all the time.

So, I am still kissing you all over your face. I am still relishing snuggling your tiny self as much as I can. I love being where you come when you are feeling sad or need some love. I love you busting through the back door after school, excited to share the day’s adventures with me. I love watching you play with your animals, happy as a clam, for hours. You are silly, and sweet, and emotionally intelligent, and kind. And you know what? I love you for “all the days”. (that’s your Addieism for your greatest expression of love). I am so lucky to be your mama.